
Improving the GraphQL, JSON and RDF Representations of buildingSmart Data Dictionary

Vladimir Alexiev, Mihail Radkov, Nataliya Keberle


  • Highlight the defects in the original GraphQL implementation of bSDD
  • Overview the refactored solution proposed by Ontotext
  • Overview data quality issues
  • Overview the proposed improvements

bSDD GraphQL Schema: Voyager


Original GraphQL: Findings (1/3)

  • Reference entities ReferenceDocument, Country, Unit, Language are disconnected from the rest of the schema
  • Relation entities have only an incoming link but no outgoing link
  • Many entities cannot be queried directly from the Root
  • No backward arrows to get from a lower-level entity back to its “parent” entity
  • A number of parallel arrows. GraphQL schema can use parameters to distinguish between the different uses

Original GraphQL: Findings (2/3)

At the high level of detail:

  • Property and ClassificationProperty are very similar, but there’s no inheritance/relation between them
  • PropertyValue and ClassificationPropertyValue are exactly the same, so can be reduced to one entity

Original GraphQL: Findings (3/3)

Mixture of singular/plural in property names(*)

property/properties, relations, synonyms, countriesOfUse, relatedIfcPropertyNames, etc.

(*) - already discussed at

bSDD Refactored Schema: PlantUML

PlantUML is used with soml2puml convertor tool

Refactored GraphQL: Improvements

  • All entities are queryable directly from the Root
  • No parallel links, use GraphQL query parameters instead
  • Pagination for bulk query results
  • GraphQL syntax highlight, keyboard shortcuts, search in the query text, query response errors
  • Each link is named the same as target entity
  • Navigation between entities is bidirectional
  • A single entity PropertyValue is used by both Property and ClassificationProperty
  • Property names are in singular


Refactored bSDD: SPARQL Endpoint

Suggested Improvements

buildingSMART Feedback

buildingSMART International started to analyse the suggested improvements

Status Count
TO DO 13
Grand Total 61

Live spreadsheet with status/solution for each of suggested improvements


  • Uniform identification for the search
  • Equal data retrieved from different API
  • Improve URL structure and consistency

Uniform Identification

Uniform Identification

IfcCableSegment has also URI assigned by a data provider:

CableSegment entity as displayed at the bSDD web site

Uniform Identification

Non-unique identification violates FAIR Findability principle

F1: (Meta)data are assigned a globally unique and persistent identifier

Equal Data Retrieved from Different API

We have compared three representations returned by the bSDD server:

  • JSON from the GraphQL API
  • JSON from the REST (entity) API
    • curl <domain>/class|prop/<name> and
  • RDF from the REST (entity) API
    • curl -Haccept:text/turtle \ <domain>/class|prop/<name>

Equal Data Retrieved from Different API

We selected entities of each class that have the maximum number of filled fields, and compared the results returned by each API.

Improve URL Structure and Consistency

  • Almost all bSDD domain URLs now have the same structure:<org>/<domain>-<version>

  • URIs can be more “hackable”, allowing users to navigate the hierarchy by pruning the URI:<org>/<domain>/<version>

  • In some cases, the <org> is repeated in the <domain> part

Improve URL Structure and Consistency

  • In some cases, the <org> name doesn’t quite mesh with the domain name, perhaps due to the way bSDD allocates <org> identifiers to bSDD contributors

    • bim-de/DINSPEC91400: the publisher of this spec is DIN (the German standards organization), not the bim-de initiative
    • digibase/volkerwesselsbv: news from 2018 suggest that digibase is a new company/initaitive within Volker Wessel
    • digibase/nen2699: the publisher of this spec is NEN (the Netherlands standards organization), not the digibase company/initiative
    • digibase/digibasebouwlagen: perhaps the org name digibase should not be repeated as the prefix of the domain bouwlagen (building layers)

Explicate domain versions

can become

A new entity DomainVersion can provide linking all versions of a domain to its master Domain entity.

Improve URL Structure and Consistency

  • Declare URLs to be ID and use a mandatory field id
    • Most GraphQL implementations call this field simply id, whereas bSDD uses namespaceUri
    • Many nodes do not have their own namespaceUri field, or it is not fully populated

Entity Classes vs classificationTypes

The key field classificationType specifies the kind of classification.

c classificationType overlaps with entity
29 “DOMAIN” Domain
18 “REFERENCE_DOCUMENT” ReferenceDocument

E.g., there is the classification with name décret 2011-321 (23/03/2011) from ATALANE/REX-OBJ-1.0 domain and with classificationType=“REFERENCE_DOCUMENT”, that it is not in the list of ReferenceDocuments.

Why is it not a ReferenceDocument entity?

All entities should have URL

All significant classes should have ID, which in the case of RDF data is the node URL.

However, many bSDD classes don’t have such a field:

  • Domain, Property, Classification do have namespaceUri
  • Country, Language, Unit don’t have an ID but have a field (code, isocode) that can be used to make an ID, when prepended with an appropriate prefix.

URL for ClassificationProperty

  • Property and ClassificationProperty are two different classes, but the latter does not have a distinct URL(*) in GraphQL and JSON.
  • The same URL is overloaded to identify entities of both classes.
  • ClassificationProperty are not returned separately by the JSON or RDF entity API, but only as part of the respective Classification

E.g., IfcCableSegment.CABLESEGMENT classification has ACResistance as a ClassificationProperty, but



{"":["Classification with namespace URI
 '' not found"]}

Modelling issues

Unify Solutions to Model Complex Properties

The key attribute propertyValueKind has values COMPLEX and COMPLEX_LIST used in combination with connectedProperties. These key values are defined for Property and ClassificationProperty

  • However, connectedPropertyCodes is defined only for Property
  • More importantly, these key values are never used
  • connectedProperty is used only on 7 Properties (and not ClassificationProperties)
  • Instead of using connectedPropertyCodes to describe complex properties, some providers have used classifications with the type COMPOSED_PROPERTY.

Improve Modelling of Dynamic Properties

12385 Properties are declared with isDynamic=true

135250 are not.

However, the field dynamicParameterPropertyCode (used to compute the dynamic property) is always empty, so how can one know which “sub-properties” to use?

Additionally, dynamicParameterPropertyCodes is String, but should be [Property], i.e. an array of Properties .

Improve Relations Between Entities

Add More Entities

bSDD includes numerous string attributes (codes or URLs) that should be converted to relations (object fields) to improve the connectedness of the bSDD GraphQL graph

is a classification field (String) should be
physicalQuantity (New) PhysicalQuantity
propertySet (New) PropertySet
subdivisionsOfUse (New) CountrySubdivision
version (New) DomainVersion
replaced/(-ing)ObjectCodes some kind of objects. Currently they are empty

Use Class Inheritance

Property and ClassificationProperty: have 46 fields in common, differ in only 5 fields:

belongs uniquely to Property belongs uniquely to ClassificationProperty
connectedPropertyCodes (String) isRequired (Boolean)
relations (PropertyRelation) isWritable (Boolean)
predefinedValue (String)
propertySet (String)
symbol (String)

Since there are no rules on which fields of Property to reuse in ClassificationProperty, the latter type copies most of the fields from the former.

Improve PropertyValues

  • PropertyValue and ClassificationPropertyValue are structured values with rich fields:

code, value, namespaceUri, description, sortNumber

  • However, most structured values we’ve seen have only

code, value.

  • This has multiple problems:

    • Individual values have no description (description is not filled out)
    • Some values are described in the property definition, intermingling multiple descriptions together
    • The “standard” values NOTKNOWN, OTHER, UNSET are not described at all.
    • Values have no namespaceUri, precluding unique identification.

Improve predefinedValue

  • allowedValues store structured values (ClassificationPropertyValue)

  • However, their “sibling” property predefinedValue holds just a String, which means that even in the future, predefinedValue cannot be an enumeration value identified globally with a URL.

Improve Multilingual Support

  • bSDD is advertised as a multilingual dictionary
  • In the GraphQL API, one can specify a desired language(*) when fetching classifications and properties
  • However, currently most domains are present in one language only (unilingual).

Data Quality

Data Quality Issues

  • Leading, trailing, consecutive whitespace
  • Improve physical quantities and units
  • No rules on missing data
  • Unicode problems
  • Unresolved HTML entities
  • Bad classification relations (broken links)

Implementing Improvements

Implementation Steps

We implemented a lot (but not all) of the improvements suggested above by using the following process:

The results are available at the SPARQL endpoint and in GraphQL

Conclusions and Future Work

Here are further ideas for improvement:

  • improve bSDD ontology
  • implement more radical data model refactoring to convert “strings” (countries, reference documents, etc.) into “things”
  • link bSDD units of measure to QUDT ontology
  • perform deeper data quality analysis using SHACL shapes generation and validation provided by Ontotext Platform Semantic Objects
  • address and resolve more data quality issues, including
    • seek correlation between dimension vectors, units of measure and physical quantity,
    • parse out enumeration values from Property/ClassificationProperty descriptions and create corresponding PropertyValue lists
  • make more graph visualizations
  • obtain more interesting statistics using SPARQL
